The Institute for Research on Digital Literacies
The Institute for Research on Digital Literacies

Feminists in Games (FIG)

Feminists in Games is funded by a Cana­dian SSHRC Partnership Grant and is an endeavour created with the purpose of assume­bling an inter­national research association of digital media researchers from a full range of salient disciplines to begin build­ing ‘connective tis­sue’ between and among them, so as to (a) better under­stand the origins and con­sequences of this gendered digital divide, and (b) intervene in its reproduction.

The activ­i­ties and goals of FiG include:
1) 2, 3-day Gen­der and Dig­i­tal Games Research Symposia (Toronto/Vancouver)
2) Using the col­lec­tive crit­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tion and feed­back from the afore­men­tioned meet­ings to build an asso­ci­a­tion in which aca­d­e­mic part­ners will engage indus­try part­ners in the sub­se­quent con­duct of the research, includ­ing an industry-side imple­men­ta­tion and eval­u­a­tion of the research findings. See Dames Making Games (Toronto), Pixelles (Montreal) and XX game jam (Bristol, UK).
3) Cre­at­ing knowl­edge trans­fer between acad­emy and indus­try in the form of a web 2.0 inter­ac­tive data­base for gender-focused research for the games industry.

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