The Institute for Research on Digital Literacies
The Institute for Research on Digital Literacies

Research Impact Summaries



Jean Adams
Rita Hanesiak
Gareth Morgan
Ron Owston
Denys Lupshenyuk
Laura Mills
Blended Learning Makes Customizable Learning a Reality

There is no single best, one-size-fits-all blended learning model for every organization or every employee when developing soft skills in the workplace. Instead, a ‘mass customization’ approach that honours the uniqueness of different organizations, learning cultures, and learners can create highly personalized learning paths that enable each and every employee to learn. In this way, blended learning strategies can be used to maximize personal and collective learning in the workplace. Read more…


Jean Adams
Maura Matesic
“Clickers” Give Students a Voice in Large-Sized Classrooms

The PRS technology, or “clickers”, can help extend and observe student participation in large-sized classrooms. It allows for students to engage with course material in different ways, and may also encourage them to address questions or share ideas. Read more…


Jean Adams
E-Learning is only Effective if it Engages the Content with the Context of the Learner

Used in online learning, the Soft-Skills Learning Triangle model creates better outcomes for learners. It fits the content according to the needs and experiences of the learner, allowing for “compliance learning” to be replaced with “performance.” Read more…


Gareth Morgan
Jean Adams
Making E-learning Work for Management Education Requires Looking Closely at Teaching Methods

In order to make learning effective, it is important to know the difference between technical skills and soft skills when selecting e-learning tools and technologies to design and deliver online educational programs. For hard skill development, use first generation systems. For soft skills, a second generation network will be more effective. Read more…


Melanie Baljko
Foad Hamidi
The Benefits of Co-Creation for Assistive Technology

Knowledge mobilization tools let researchers engage stakeholders earlier in a project. Making stakeholder concerns become the basis for a research question. Thus, research goals can change from being theoretical to practical, which develops assistive technology that is better suited to the needs of project stakeholders. Read more…


Jennifer Jenson
Suzanne de Castell
Nicholas Taylor
Epidemic Keeps Students Playing – And Learning

Epidemic is an effective digital learning technology. It keeps students engaged and is a valuable resource for information about viruses and health. It promotes a more health-conscious life. Read more…


Jennifer Jenson
Suzanne de Castell
Research on Women and Video Games Needs to Improve

Research on gender and video games often conflates gender with sex, which leads to stereotyping of girls and women. In general, research on gameplay treats women like a second sex and gender like an insignificant variable. Read more…


Heather Lotherington
Jennifer Jenson
Elementary Schools Need Block Time to Plan and Embed Diverse Language and Literacy Learning

Elementary schools should allot a half-day block each week towards project based, shared learning. Through guidance, schools can consider ways to create inclusive, and reflective, digitally-enabled language and literacy instruction. Read more…


Mary Leigh Morbey
Lourdes Villamor
Maureen Muwanga Senoga
Jane A. Griffith
Museums 2.0: Advancing Decolonizing and Participatory Approaches to Developing Museum Websites in the Global South

Web 2.0 and its participation-based culture offer rich possibilities for developing websites with museums in the Global South museum. It also offers spaces for virtual learning, and representing and expressing one’s culture. However, technology and partnerships between the Global North and South have a recolonizing potential. Decybercolonizing viewpoints and methods are needed to create web spaces for Global South museums. They bring attention to virtual spaces that can be colonized by the ideologies of the Global North. Read more…


Ron Owston
Dennis York
Susan Murtha
Blended Learning: How do Students Feel About It?

High achieving students are very satisfied with courses that use blended learning (both face-to-face and online activities). They are most satisfied with the flexibility and convenience of blended courses, while feeling engaged and learning concepts better. Courses need to accommodate or offer different class formats to low achieving students, who did not feel satisfied with blended learning. Read more…


Sue Winton
Katina Pollock
Principal Training Programs Need to Address Political Skills

Principals are not neutral leaders. They use political skills in their work everyday in order to manage and advocate on their schools’ distinct needs. Principal training programs need to address political skills in their curriculum. Read more…