Meet the authors:
Sarah Sharma, Associate Professor, UofT
& Rianka Singh, Assistant Professor, YorkU
Sarah Sharma is Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology (ICCIT) at the University of Toronto. She is the author of In the Meantime: Temporality and Cultural Politics (Duke UP 2014).
Rianka Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Communication and Media Studies department at York University. Her work on the relationship between platforms and feminist politics has been published in the Canadian Journal of Communication, Feminist Media Studies, First Monday and ADA.
Re-Understanding Media advances a feminist version of Marshall McLuhan’s key text, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, repurposing his insight that “the medium is the message” for feminist ends. This co-edited volume showcases essays, experimental writings, and interviews from media studies scholars, artists, activists, and those who work with and create technology.