Creating Meaningful, Structured, and Supported Game-Based Pedagogy in K-12 Classrooms
In a rapidly evolving information mediascape shaped by participatory, mobile, and multimodal digital technologies, attention is the primary currency and engagement its main requirement. Today’s students tend to be far more fluent with and attentive to emerging media forms like digital games than the educational specialists seeking to guide and support their learning.
Playing to Learn is a large-scale active research project working with grades 7 and 8 teachers across the province of Ontario. Research goals include exploring the pedagogical practices teachers utilize around game play and game-based learning in the classroom and increasing our understanding of how teachers can be best supported in the use of games in K-12 classrooms.
This talk will focus on the findings of the study, which suggest that teachers require additional support to ensure that they are creating meaningful, structured, and supported game-based pedagogy in K-12 classrooms.